Aruna Singh
4 min readAug 1, 2023


“Hope” Is The Thing With Feathers

That perches in the soul

And sings the tune without the words

And never stops — at all

And sweetest — in the Gale — is heard

And sore must be the storm

That could abash the little Bird

That kept so many warm

I’ve heard it in the chillest land

And on the strangest Sea

Yet — never — in Extremity,

It asked a crumb — of me.

🌷By Emily Dickinson🌷

Hope is a powerful and positive emotion that inspires optimism and the belief that positive outcomes are possible, even in challenging situations. It is a fundamental human experience and plays a crucial role in motivating individuals to persevere, overcome obstacles, and work towards their goals and aspirations.

Key aspects of hope include:

  1. Positive Expectation: Hope involves having a positive expectation about the future. It is the belief that things can get better, and that there are possibilities for improvement and growth.

“What you see reflects your thinking, and your thinking but reflects the choice of what you want to see.”

We live in a world that operates much like an echo chamber. What goes out comes back to us over and over again. It begins with what you put out. If we are joyous, hopeful, or grateful, we see joy, hope, and gratitude.

2. Motivation and Resilience: Hope fuels motivation and resilience. Hope starts with the belief that you are capable of accomplishing your goals. With that mindset, you can create a clear action plan and fully commit to it, even if you need to adjust your plans or if progress seems slow. Focus on hope, and you can persist through many challenges.

3. Vision and Goal-Oriented: Hope is often linked to having a vision for a desired future and setting specific goals to achieve it. It provides a sense of direction and purpose in life.

4. Emotional Well-Being: Experiencing hope contributes to emotional well-being and can counter feelings of despair, anxiety, or hopelessness. Have better sleep, fewer chronic illnesses, and are happier generally.

5. Agency and Empowerment: Hope empowers individuals to take action and make choices that align with their aspirations. It gives them a sense of agency over their lives. They can plan, execute, and attain their goals or dreams.

6. Connectedness: Hope can foster a sense of connectedness with others. Shared hope can create a supportive and encouraging community. They tend to discuss, ask for suggestions, and are ready to listen to any advice given.

Hope is not a passive state; it involves an active process of envisioning a positive future, setting goals, and taking steps to achieve them. It is not merely wishful thinking but an essential psychological and emotional resource that can significantly impact one’s overall well-being and ability to navigate life’s challenges.

In times of difficulty or uncertainty, hope can be a guiding light that helps individuals find courage and meaning in their journey, allowing them to move forward with determination and resilience.

The Hope-Action competencies — hopefulness, self-reflection, self-clarity, visioning, goal setting and planning, implementing, and adapting.

  • Hopefulness: The degree of hope you have about your future.
  • Self-reflection: Examining your thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and circumstances.
  • Self-clarity: Having a clear understanding of yourself in terms of interests, values, skills, motivation, goals, etc.
  • Visioning: Brainstorming future possibilities for your career and identifying desired future outcomes.
  • Goal Setting and Planning: The process of specifying what you want to achieve and identifying specific steps to reach your goals.
  • Implementing: Taking action to achieve your goals.
  • Adapting: Using new information about yourself and your environment to inform your goals and plans.

Let’s recap

Hope is the belief that your future will be better than today and that you’re able to make it happen. It involves optimism, motivation, and strategy.

The best part about hope is that it’s a learned skill. With practice, you can develop a hopeful attitude which will improve your mental and physical health and even reduce your risk of death.

If you start to lose hope, remember that you are not alone. You can always reach out to loved ones for help or speak with a life coach to develop strategies to regain your hope.

You can always look me up : https://linktr.ee/arunasingh

or schedule a call @ https://calendly.com/arunasingh427/30min



Aruna Singh

President-Samskar- The Life School, , Author of-"Teacher To Facilitator" & “ Emotions & You” Mindset life coach, Speaker, teacher trainer,