
Aruna Singh
3 min readAug 9, 2023


Leadership can be defined as the ability to guide, inspire, and influence individuals or a group toward achieving a common goal or vision. It involves taking charge, making decisions, and providing direction, all while fostering a sense of collaboration and empowerment among team members. Leadership goes beyond authority; it’s about setting an example, building relationships, and creating an environment where individuals can thrive and contribute effectively.

An effective leader has the following characteristics: self-confidence, strong communication and management skills, creative and innovative thinking, perseverance, willingness to take risks, openness to change, level-headedness, and reactiveness in times of crisis.

Several attributes separate good leadership from great leadership, including the following:

· Strong, realistic visions.

· Clear and effective communication.

· Adaptability, flexibility, and creativity.

· Honesty.

· Patience.

· Resiliency.

· Emotional intelligence and empathy.

· Integrity.

· Collaboration.

· Passion.

· Fairness.

· Cultural awareness.

· Intelligence and expertise.

· Strategic and visionary decision-making.

· Persuade, motivate, empower, and inspire.

Great leaders inspire people, motivating them to do what it takes to achieve the leader’s and organization’s goals. Former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower articulated this idea when he said, “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

Key characteristics and aspects of leadership include:

1. Vision and Direction: Leaders have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and are skilled at articulating this vision to their team. They set goals, define objectives, and provide a sense of direction that guides the team’s efforts.

2. Communication: Effective communication is a hallmark of leadership. Leaders must be able to convey their ideas, expectations, and plans clearly and consistently to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Communication should be based on openness, honesty, and transparency.

3. Become more self-aware. Great leaders know their strengths, weaknesses, and effects on the people they lead. They set a good example and model good behavior. One way to become more self-aware is to seek feedback from those people.

4. Connect with team members. Connections build trust, understanding, and bonds that are critical for successful leadership. The best leaders should get to know the personalities and capabilities of their team members.

5. Inspiration: Leaders inspire others through their passion, enthusiasm, and dedication. They motivate team members by sharing their vision, showcasing their commitment, and instilling a sense of purpose in their work.

6. Decision-Making: Leaders are responsible for making decisions, often in the face of uncertainty. They gather information, weigh options, and choose courses of action that align with their vision and the best interests of the team.

7. Empowerment: A strong leader empowers their team by providing growth opportunities, delegating responsibilities, and trusting team members to make decisions within their areas of expertise.

8. Problem-solving: Leaders are adept at identifying challenges and finding creative solutions. They approach problems with a positive attitude, seeking to overcome obstacles and improve processes.

9. Adaptability: Leadership requires adaptability in an ever-changing environment. Effective leaders can adjust their strategies, approaches, and plans when necessary to address new circumstances or challenges.

10. Integrity: Leaders exhibit honesty, ethics, and transparency in their actions and decisions. They lead by example and hold themselves accountable for their words and actions.

11. Collaboration: Leadership involves fostering a collaborative environment where team members can share ideas, offer insights, and work together to achieve common goals.

12. Empathy: Successful leaders show empathy and understanding towards their team members. They value individual perspectives, listen actively, and support the well-being of their team.

13. Continuous Learning: Leadership is a continuous learning and self-improvement journey. Effective leaders seek to expand their knowledge, refine their skills, and stay updated on industry trends.

Leadership can be found in various contexts, from business and politics to community organizations and personal relationships. Home and its well-being is an excellent example of our women’s leadership acumen. It’s about positively influencing others, nurturing growth, and making a lasting impact on the lives of those you lead.



Aruna Singh

President-Samskar- The Life School, , Author of-"Teacher To Facilitator" & “ Emotions & You” Mindset life coach, Speaker, teacher trainer,